Kamis , 13 Maret 2025

SpinePOINT Hyperextension Orthosis with Pelvic Bar

SpinePOINT Hyperextension Orthosis with Pelvic Bar

The Hyperextension Orthosis with Pelvic Bar controls flexion of thoracolumbar spine. The pelvic bar reduces pressure and it is recommended for patients unable to tolerate the standard pelvic pad. The orthosis controls flexion with a three point force system.

Model JEWR is provided in 3 sizes.

Order No. Description Unit
JEWR0 Spine POINT with Pelvic Bar, size 0 piece
JEWR1 Spine POINT with Pelvic Bar, size 1 piece
JEWR2 Spine POINT with Pelvic Bar, size 2 piece

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SpinePOINT Hyperextension Orthosis with Pelvic Bar
Item Reviewed: SpinePOINT Hyperextension Orthosis with Pelvic Bar 9 out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.
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